How are the AIM 2023 Tracks Related to the Global Economy?

How are the AIM 2023 Tracks Related to the Global Economy?

Since 2011, the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) has been endeavoring to bring together all stakeholders, who have the influence and the drive, to work together to address the challenges that nations are facing on their journey to achieving sustainable development and to discuss the investment trends & strategies that can be leveraged to maximize the potential of every business, country, and region.

After 12 years, AIM now takes pride in having made quite a positive global impact, and, is still working with all concerned parties to create a global economic event that closely relates to the world's challenges, goals, and aspirations.

And, the 12th edition, AIM Global 2023, is no different!

With this in mind, it’s time to answer an important question: How do AIM Global 2023 Tracks relate to our world economy? Let’s dive deeper to understand. 

AIM Global 2023 & The Changing Global Economic Landscape

The AIM Global 2023 is different in almost everything. First and foremost, the 2023 edition will be delivered with a totally new theme — The Investment Paradigm Shift: Future Investment Opportunities to Foster Sustainable Economic Growth, Diversity, and Prosperity. This theme reflects how AIM Global 2023 is embracing a new approach to get all stakeholders to meet the demands of the global economy in 2023.  

Moreover, AIM Global 2023 is transforming its ecosystem through the event’s two new tracks: The Investment Track and The Innovation & Technology Track.  


1-The Investment Track

The world is undeniably witnessing a period of recovery from COVID-19 and the havoc that the pandemic has wreaked across all areas of the global economy since early 2020. With the world attempting to restore its economic health step by step, the global investment scene is simultaneously experiencing a PARADIGM SHIFT that is set to drastically change the entire INVESTMENT landscape, including capital markets. However, many challenges are still there!

One of the important challenges lies in how to maintain the current FDI growth against a background of continuous geopolitical tensions and high inflationary pressures worldwide. And here comes the upcoming impact of AIM Global 2023 Investment Track, whose 2 pillars — Foreign Direct Investment & Foreign Portfolio Investment — will be attracting the world’s Top Institutional Investors, SWFs, UHNWIs, and Investment Agencies to explore how the new technologies are used to ramp up investments in businesses that contribute to the betterment of the economy.


2-The Innovation & Technology Track

The Innovation & Technology Track illustrates AIM Global 2023’s approach to empowering global enterprises to address the rising need to stay current with the latest technological advancements to continuously grow amid a highly competitive global economy.

 Significantly, the Innovation & Technology Track’s Startup Pillar creates opportunities for startups to continue to play their role in driving global economic growth. This pillar helps investors explore new investment opportunities while helping entrepreneurs acquire venture capital and seed funding for their startups.

 Aware of the relationship between small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the economy in every country across the globe, the second pillar of AIM Innovation & Technology Track, Small & Medium Enterprises “SMEs”, is poised to boost these enterprises' contribution to fueling global economic growth and empower their rising role in creating jobs, and driving innovation.

Thanks to the Investment Track and the Innovation & Technology Track, AIM Global 2023 will be rallying the efforts of representatives of governments, the global investment community, startups, SMEs, and other stakeholders to re-shape local, regional and global agendas to make positive change that improves the state of the world economy.