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AIM Pillars

AIM Pillars

Foreign Direct Investment

An established platform where countries, cities, and municipalities attract higher inflow of FDI by featuring investment destinations at their locations.

Foreign Portfolio Investment

Improve your country's captial account position and link investors with your local business organizations by attracting investments in terms of stocks and bonds.

Small & Medium Enterprises

Find new sources of funding  and financing solutions for your enterprises' development and expansion by presenting your business value and competitiveness to investors.

Future Cities

As the world prepares for a futuristic approach and the shift to the digital business landscape, AIM has meticulously incorporated Future Cities as one of its Pillars, enabling governments and investors to encourage innovation that will replace traditional services. Cities across the world are seeking to embrace smart solutions to improve the quality of life; this pillar will help investors, public and private sectors as well as countries

Digital Economy Pillar

Unleash new frontiers in innovation as AI, Blockchain, NFTs, and cutting-edge technologies merge to shape the future.


Raise early stage venture capital or seed funding to start your business or to scale up your operation by showcasing top-end revenue and growth potential of your startup business.

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Investment Platform