Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)

Overview of KADIN

The formation of the Indonesian KADIN organization was first formed on September 24, 1968 by the Level I Regional Kadin or Kadinda Level I (as the Provincial KADIN was called at that time) throughout Indonesia on the initiative of the DKI Jakarta KADIN, and was recognized by the government by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 49 1973.

In accordance with the mandate and spirit of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution as the constitutional basis for development in the economic sector, Indonesian entrepreneurs based on a noble, clean, transparent and professional spirit, as well as productive and innovative must foster and develop synergistic cooperation that is balanced and aligned, both sectoral and cross-sectoral, inter-scale, regional, national and international, in order to create a healthy and dynamic business climate to encourage the widest possible distribution of business opportunities for the Indonesian business world in participating in carrying out national and regional development in economics.

Law Number 1 of 1987 concerning the Chamber of Commerce and Industry stipulates that all Indonesian entrepreneurs in the fields of state business, cooperative business and private business jointly form the Chamber of Commerce and Industry organization as a forum and vehicle for coaching, communication, information, representation, consultation, facilitation and advocacy of Indonesian entrepreneurs, in order to create a strong and highly competitive Indonesian business world that relies on the real advantages of national resources, which balances the linkages between national economic potentials, namely between sectors, between business scales, and between -Regional, in the dimensions of law and order, business ethics, humanity, and environmental sustainability in a market economic order in the global economic arena based on regional strength, business sector,and foreign relations.