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AIM Features


Participants will be given access to world-class pre-conference workshops, which will focus on various issues, including Digitalisation, Sustainability, and Industrialisation. In addition, professional coaching sessions will be conducted by industry leaders from all over the world.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment

AIM Congress 2024 CONFERENCE

A platform where brilliant ideas, best practices, and ideal business-friendly policies are shared with participants. Under this feature is the Plenary Sessions, where investment experts will discuss how to transition your economy through Digitalisation, Sustainability & Industrialisation, and how to benefit from the economic gains of sustainable foreign direct investment by presenting viable investment opportunities in your country, city, or municipality.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


A prominent feature sets the event's tone and is formally opened by UAE’s top government leaders and officials. This feature is highly participated by prominent world leaders, influential investors, investment experts, and country delegations.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


Peopled by the most renowned local and international exhibitors across the globe, the exhibition features countries, smart city solution providers, startup companies, SMEs, and investment opportunities, who all gather to achieve economic growth for their respective countries and regions.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


Centered on regional conversations that examine the economic landscapes of specific regions, the discussions promise to be an informed exploration of the regions’ risks, challenges, and opportunities for growth that are waiting to be harnessed through regional cooperation.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


A range of side events at AIM Congress provide attendees with additional opportunities to network, learn, and engage with industry leaders. These side events cover a diverse range of topics and formats, including panel discussions, fireside chats, and talk sessions. Each offers a unique opportunity for attendees to gain in-depth insights into specific areas of interest, such as entrepreneurship, Web3 and virtual assets, and sustainable tourism, among many others.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


To contribute to achieving the global objectives of Digitalisation, Sustainability & Industrialisation, representatives of top investment houses, investment corporations, development banks, sovereign wealth funds, and portfolio investors meet with official government envoys in a formal and secure setting conducive to the formation of investment partnerships and collaborations on a global scale.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


The feature provides municipalities, cities, and countries with an ideal platform to promote investment opportunities at their locations. This feature will also allow each AIM’s pillars a global and competitive platform to promote their sectors to investors onsite. In addition, this feature will accommodate country presentations.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


High-level meetings between government officials and the private sector are held in a secure environment.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


This remarkable evening is attended by guests to network and witness the Investment Awards ceremony. A perfect opportunity to make new contacts, entertain key clients and celebrate the show.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


This special lunch is solely dedicated to senior high-level representatives from governments, the private sector, academia, and social society — making it possible for them to meet, network, exchange ideas, and conduct business meetings in a more confidential and comfortable environment.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


Participants can continue expanding their network during sponsored breakfast, lunch, and dinner or can simply reconnect with old contacts in a very relaxed and casual environment.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


Investment Awards will be giving recognition to the best Investment Promotion Agencies across the globe in a prestigious ceremony. It will provide awards to the best FDI projects in each region of the world to recognize the accomplishment of the particular country in attracting sizable and beneficial investment projects, thus contributing to the economic growth and development of their markets.

Future CitiesSmall and Medium EnterpriseStartupsForeign Portfolio InvestmentForeign Direct Investment


Search for SMEs worldwide — to find the rising businesses that focus on achieving economic Sustainability for the world.

Small and Medium Enterprise


This feature is open to all SMEs that aim to showcase their local products and services on an international platform. Local and international SMEs will have a chance to demonstrate their industry projects, products, and services aimed at achieving economic growth for their countries and regions and achieving Sustainability at all levels for the entire world.

Small and Medium Enterprise


Startups will be honored at AIM for their innovative business model and brilliant application of technology to their business — which eventually contribute to achieving Digitalisation, Sustainability & Industrialisation worldwide. This provides a unique opportunity for startup awardees to be recognized further by AIM global investors


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